AgroRenew Logo

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This notice describes how AgroRenew LLC and its affiliates (“AgroRenew”, “we”, “us”, and “our”) process information about:

  1. individuals (“Visitors”) who visit our website (our “Website“) and our social media pages (“Socials”);
  2. individuals that apply for a job with us (“Applicants”) either through the “careers” section of the website or otherwise; and
  3. owners, directors and staff (employees and contractors) working for our customers, vendors, suppliers, and (potential) business partners (“Partners”).

Where the notice uses the term “you”, it is referring to you as a Visitor, Applicant, or Partner, as applicable.

Please read this privacy notice carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how we will treat it. Please do not to use our Website if you do not agree with our policies and practices. This privacy notice may change from time-to-time. 

1. Who is the controller of your personal information?

In some jurisdictions, such as the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom, data protection laws include the concept of a “controller.” Where that concept is recognized, the AgroRenew entity that is the controller is the following:

  • If you are a Website Visitor, the controller of your information is AgroRenew
  • If you are an Applicant, the controller of your personal information is the AgroRenew company to which you are applying or which is considering hiring you.
  • If you are a Partner, the controller of your information is the AgroRenew company you or your employer have a business relationship with.

2. How we process your personal information?

I. Visitors

If you visit and interact with our Website or Socials, we process your information as reasonably necessary to:

  • provide you with information, products, or services that you request from us – for example:
    • you may use portions of our Website (e.g., contact forms) to provide us with personal information to express your interest to receive information; in addition, you may be asked to provide personal details such as your name, employer, email address, phone number, and other information that will enable us to contact you; and
    • we may use necessary tools (a term defined in the cookie section below) that automatically collect information about your device and the usage of our website in order to be able to show you the Website and provide you the services requested through the Website.
  • carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us in connection with the Website (including the Website’s Terms and Conditions)
  • pursue our and/or a third party’s legitimate interests, namely to:
    • monitor your use of the Website – we use this information in order to improve our Website, including by identifying and correcting any errors you may have experienced and by understanding which web pages are more or less popular and improving their user-friendliness accordingly;
    • notify you about changes to our Website or any products or services we offer or provide through it; where required by law, we will obtain your consent before contacting you;
    • ensure the security of our Website;
    • protect our rights and property, enforce our Terms and Conditions and legal notices and for the establishment, exercise and defense of legal claims; and
    • conclude corporate transactions (e.g., corporate restructuring, sale or assignment of assets, or mergers).

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information processed for our legitimate interests (see Section 5 below).

  • comply with applicable legal or regulatory obligations or binding orders, including:
    • as part of a judicial proceeding; to respond to a subpoena, warrant, court order, or other legal process;
    • as part of an investigation or request, whether formal or informal, from law enforcement or a governmental authority; or
    • maintain appropriate records for internal administrative purposes and as required by applicable law (e.g., obligation to keep a record of corporate documents or an obligation to keep a record of your consent or refusal of the processing of personal information).

If you click on the plug-ins available on our Website, you will be redirected to our social media pages on third party websites:

If your visit and interact with our social media pages on third party websites (such as  Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn), we will collect personal information about you.  We may collect personal data such as your name, user IDs, gender, photographs, content you publish on our social media pages and other information that you choose to make publicly available on social media.  The social media provider may also share with us statistics about your and other visitors’ use of our page.

This privacy notice does not govern the collection and use of your personal data by third parties through these third party websites.  Please visit the privacy policies of these third-party websites in order to obtain more information about how your data is collected and how you can manage what personal data is collected.

II. Applicants

We process your information as reasonably necessary to:

  • take steps prior to us potentially entering into a contract of employment with you, namely to:
    • assess your suitability for a job at AgroRenew (including processing your application, assessing your fit with us or for a specific role, conducting interviews, carrying out background and reference checks in accordance with law, and keeping records related to our hiring process); and
    • communicate with you during and about the recruitment process; and
    • conduct your on-boarding process if your application is successful; this includes using your personal information for enrollment in payroll and applicable employee benefit schemes, preparation of employment-related contracts, and other administrative purposes necessary for you to commence employment with AgroRenew;
  • pursue our and/or a third party’s legitimate interests, namely to:
    • match you with other job vacancies at AgroRenew;
    • keep a record of your information if your application was unsuccessful and contact you in case of an alternative career opportunity within AgroRenew;
    • ask you about your experience with the recruitment process;
    • aggregate your personal information and create statistics that help us understand the type of applications we receive;
    • establish, exercise or defend legal claims; and
    • conclude corporate transactions (e.g., corporate restructuring, sale or assignment of assets, or mergers).

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information processed for our legitimate interests (see Section 5 below).

  • comply with our legal, regulatory and compliance obligations, including those related to tax and employment laws.

III. Partners

We process your information to:

  • take steps to enter into a contract or carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us (where that is the case);
  • pursue our and/or a third party’s legitimate business interests, namely to:
    • take steps to enter into a contract with your employer;
    • administer and manage your or your employer’s contractual relationship with us, such as to establish records for the people we deal with within your organization, including in a customer relationship management database;
    • monitor and manage conflicts of interest;
    • facilitate the issue and administration of invoices; 
    • conduct business analytics to measure the performance of our business and services;
    • promote our products and services, including to send you marketing material as permitted by applicable law;
  • implement procedures to keep our premises secure, including verifying visitor identity (including through the use of photo id where necessary) and recording and retaining visitor logs on sites (to meet our internal health and safety rules;
  • establish, exercise or defend legal claims; and
  • conclude corporate transactions (e.g., corporate restructuring, sale or assignment of assets, merger).

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information processed for our legitimate interests (see Section 5 below).

  • comply with our legal, regulatory and compliance obligations, including those related to tax and financial reporting.

3. With whom we share your personal information?

Depending on the purposes for which we use your information (see above), we may disclose certain information about you to:

  • our subsidiaries and affiliates;
  • business partners, contractors, personnel recruiters, service providers, and other third parties we use to support our business (for example, IT support, accounting, finance);
  • any third party as per your request;
  • a third party (e.g., public authority) to comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request;
  • a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of AgroRenew’s assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which information held by AgroRenew about our Website users is among the assets transferred; and/or
  • a third party if we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to perform the agreement we have entered into with you, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of AgroRenew personnel, our customers, or others.

If we need to transfer your personal information to another country (such as our head offices in the US), we will use a lawful basis to do so where required by applicable law.

For data transfer subject to the EU or UK GDPR:  We transfer personal information between the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom in accordance with European Commission UK adequacy decision.  Depending on the purpose for which we process your information, we may use service providers which are located in other countries that received an adequacy decision (find a full list of the adequacy decision here).  Where we transfer personal information to countries that did not receive an adequacy decision, we will do so either:

  • with your explicit consent;
  • as necessary to perform a contract we entered into with you or to implement pre-contractual measures at your request;
  • as necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract concluded in your interest;
  • as necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims; or
  • on the basis of the European Commission-approved standard contractual clauses or other transfer agreements to transfer personal information abroad. 

4. How long do we retain your personal information?

We store the personal information you provide to us for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which we collected it.  However, we may retain your personal information for longer if we need to, for example, to comply with a legal obligation, for the length of any applicable statutory limitation period for a potential complaint or legal claim, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.  Below we provide some examples for how long we keep your information.  

Website visitors:  For example, we keep information about website visitors who send inquiries about our services and products through the online form for as long as needed to solve their inquiry.

Applicants: As a rule, we keep personal information of applicants only as long as needed to assess their suitability for which they applied.

Partners:  We generally only keep information about partners for as long as needed for us to be able to provide services to them (or their employer) or they (or their employer) to provide services to us.

5. What are your rights?

Depending on the jurisdiction you live in and the AgroRenew company which is the controller of your personal information, you may have the right to request:

  • access to your personal information (commonly known as a “data subject access request”) – this allows you to request information about and a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it;
  • correction of the personal information that we hold about you – this allows you to request that any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you be corrected;
  • erasure of your personal information – this enables you to ask us to delete or remove personal information, but only where there is no valid reason for us continuing to process it; you also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your personal information where you have exercised your right to object to processing (see below);
  • objection to processing of your personal information where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and there is something about your particular situation which causes you to object to processing on this ground, or when we use your information for direct marketing;
  • the restriction of processing of your personal information – this enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of personal information about you, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it;
  • the transfer of your personal information to another party;
  • information about the recipients of your personal information; and
  • lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the jurisdiction of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement of applicable law.

The above-mentioned rights are not always absolute. Applicable law may limit these rights.

6. Automated Collection Tools

This section describes the “cookies” and similar web technologies, including pixel tags or web beacons, (“Automated Collection Tools”) that support certain features of AgroRenew’s Website.  Automated tools are pieces of code deployed on your device.  

Our Website only uses Automated Collection Tools which are essential to the operation of the Website and which enable services you have specifically asked for to be provided. These types of Automated Collection Tools let us:

  • display you the website;
  • enable the Website to remember the information you provided in forms;
  • ensure the security of the Website, for example, to monitor traffic flow and visits in order to let us know of potential security threats (e.g., in case of unusually high or rapid traffic);
  • help ensure the content of the Website you request load quickly; and
  • record when you consent or reject our use of Automated Collection Tools, when applicable.

Without these Automated Collection Tools, the services that you have asked for cannot be provided.

AgroRenew owns these Automated Collection Tools except for those dropped when you choose to see one of the YouTube movies framed or linked on our Website.  Google provides the YouTube service. Google will drop Automated Collection Tools on your computer in accordance Google’s privacy notice available here, including potentially in order to offer targeted advertising and content based on your browsing history.  These Automated Collection Tools are only dropped when you click on a YouTube movie framed in our Website. How to manage Automated Collection Tools:

If you do not wish to receive Automated Collection Tools, you may set your browser to reject Automated Collection Tools or to alert you when an Automated Collection Tools is placed on your device. You may also delete Automated Collection Tools as soon as you leave the Website.  If you set your browser to reject Automated Collection Tools, you may not be able to use all of the features and functionality of the Website.

The Help portion of the toolbar on most web browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new Automated Collection Tools, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new Automated Collection Tool, and how to entirely disable Automated Collection Tools.  With regards to some of the popular browsers you can find more information by clicking on the following relevant links: Google ChromeMicrosoft EdgeMozilla Firefox; and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

7. Who is responsible for the links to other websites?

Our Website may contain links to other websites which may be maintained by our corporate partners, government organizations, or third parties. Although we try to link only to websites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content, security, or privacy practices employed by other websites.

As mentioned above, our Website may include links to our social media pages (see Section 2(I)).  The social media pages are under the control of the third party social media providers mentioned in Section 2(I).

Our Website may also allow you to listen to our podcasts on Apple, Google, Spotify.  These services are under the control of Apple Distribution International Limited, Google Ireland Limited, and Spotify AB, respectively.

8. How can you contact us?

To ask questions or comment about this privacy notice and our privacy practices, contact us at: