What we do...and why?
AgroRenew is pioneering the use of food waste to create 100% biodegradable plastics. We’re a company of transformation. Through the challenge of creating revolutionary products, we expand the limits of possibility and become ever-better versions of ourselves.
At AgroRenew, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions and services that are environmentally and economically sustainable, beyond just the materials we distribute. We believe that at the heart of sustainability is ecological stewardship – responsibly using our natural resources to protect and preserve our environment for future generations.
The responsibility falls on everyone to be a contributing member of the solution community. You in?
How Does This Work
From field to factory
After crop waste is delivered to our facility from our grower co-op farms, our patented hammermill pulverizers use our unique water extraction technique to reduce water content by 80%. Then, we grind the material down to the size of a pencil head that is reduced again to a micron dust material used to make our biosource resin polymer products.

Step 1: Growers Collect Crop Waste
Step 2: Crop Waste Travels to AgroRenew Facility
Step 3: Crop Enters Wash Down Cycle
Step 4: Food Waste Enters Processing Stage
Step 5: Patented Multi-Stage Dual
Hammermill Pulverizers -
Step 6: Dryer Reduction & Grinding
Step 7: Milling + Drying = Micron Dust
Step 8: Micron Dust is Blended with Other Biosource
Materials to Start a New Life as Bioplastic Product
Where does all the recyclable plastic go?
We need biodegradable alternatives
The plastics industry is destroying our planet
Help us make a difference by creating an eco-friendly alternative
The plastics industry is destroying our planet
Help us make a difference by creating an eco-friendly alternative